Thursday, June 22, 2017

Story Time

I’m back. I think.

It has been a long time since I posted on this blog. Not because my head doesn’t overflow with ideas about what I could write, but honestly, I just haven’t been able to justify taking the time to write in this medium. I am lucky if I take the time to simply write in my journal biweekly. There is only so much time and energy in one gal, so I have to be purposeful about how I spend that energy.

Don’t think I am a disciplined person who has a solid handle on the minutes of my day, making them as productive as possible. This is not the case. Last night I was up ‘til two am watching Netflix and then researching when the next season of the show I was bingeing on (3.5 hours last night) releases its third season. Right now, while the kids are playing, I could be washing the floor or scrubbing the bathrooms. I am not doing those things. I am not folding the laundry in the basket, or transferring the wet batch into the dryer (or out on to the racks on my deck for a more energy efficient solution) or working out. I am drinking semi-warm coffee, with the breakfast dishes on the table, and I am typing a blog post that as of yet I only have a vague idea where it might be going.

It doesn’t really inspire readership. Honestly, after taking a long break from writing for an audience other than me, it is hard to find the cojones to believe that anything I might possibly say would be worth the time it would take another person to read. What do I have to say that hasn’t already been said? Probably nothing. What do I know about writing that would contribute to the literary integrity of the interwebs? Again, nothing. I am embarrassingly amateur, naïve in many of life’s’ experiences, and limited in my ability to articulate in writing anything of lasting value. It doesn’t really paint a picture of profound insight or usefulness, I know.  

I don’t even have a purpose for my blog. It isn’t a mommy blog. It isn’t a blog about dreads anymore, since I cut that short. (Bah hahaha!) This isn’t a blog about art or food, how-tos, travel or faith. I can’t even say I am a writer trying to get myself out there because I haven’t posted anything in nearly a year. As of right now, I would say this is simply an extension of my journal; my story, written for me and the few friends who might bother to read, and possibly the odd stranger who might stumble here by mistake.

So why write at all? Couldn’t I just accomplish this task within the red binding of my journal and save the energy, effort and brain space of any of you out there who might read?

This is why I am choosing to write: Because story matters. My story matters. Your story matters. Our stories are the things that link us to each other. They are the bridges that span vast gulfs in time, space, misunderstanding and position. They are the most important gift we have to share, and the most precious gift we can receive.

I want to continue to share my story in between loads of laundry, hacking out a garden in my yard, changing diapers, nursing cold cups of coffee and walking the dog. I can’t guarantee I will post regularly, but I haven’t given up on this space. I want you to know your story is essential too even if it seems simple, unimportant, and poorly told - like mine. I’d love it if you would share with me.
